West London Training Services Ltd
Driver CPC Periodic Training
COVID-19 Classroom Training Policy v1.0 June 2020
COVID-19 Classroom Training Policy v1.0 June 2020
What we have done:
•Provided hand washing and sanitation facilities
•Reduced class sizes
•Implemented social distancing measures
•Deep cleaned training rooms and facilities
•Instigated a daily cleaning program for training rooms and facilities
•Reduced shared contact points
•Provided appropriate PPE, where required
•Revised any practical exercises to reduce shared contact
•Instigated a cleaning program for any practical exercise equipment
•Removed any shared documentation and provided any training materials digitally, where possible
What candidates must do:
•Not attend any training course if they, or any member of their household, display any of the following symptoms of COVID-19:
oA new persistent cough
oA high temperature
oA loss of sense of taste or smell
•Not attend any training course if they are required to self-isolate
•Be willing to submit to a temperature check, if required
•Maintain a 2-metre distance from others and avoid any contact
•Wash hands and/or use hand sanitizer when entering or exiting training rooms and regularly throughout a training course
•Inform us if they develop any symptoms of COVID-19 during a training course
•Bring their own food and drink as we are unable to provide refreshment facilities
•Feel free to bring and use their own PPE (such as face masks or gloves), although any required PPE will be provided
•Inform us if they display any symptoms of COVID-19 up to 14 days after completion of a training course so that other candidates
and relevant health authorities may be informed
This policy has been developed in line with the latest guidance from Public Health England and the Health & Safety Executive and will be subject
to regular review.